
Showing posts with the label GA teacher


This email was sent to Mrs. Colt Oct 2021. As usual no response. Does she think I am invisible? I exist. I am my daughter's mother, and I will always be her mother. I suspected from the beginning her motives were sinister. What else am I to believe? she along with those I have contacted that work from the school system must think I don't exist, but here I am.  Mrs. Colt- We don't expect you to talk to us, but I have something to say to you. I don't appreciate your having your friends tell lies about us online like you did. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are nothing more than a coward.  The facts are we are Elizabeth's parents and we love her dearly, nothing, nobody or no set of circumstances will ever change that.  Your friends claimed that we were taking the dog to a high kill shelter. Remember that? How dare they. The facts are Elizabeth got a puppy in November. She promised to take care of the puppy. We trusted her with that responsibility. The fact is sh