My husband and I made it through the holidays, not without shedding tears. When does a mother and father stop shedding tears for their children? A mother and father always love their children no matter their age.

The past two Christmases no tree in our house, no cooking on Thanksgiving, even no New Year's celebration. New Year's day is our daughter's birthday. All these holidays seem empty without our daughter. We do have two boys that we love, but that doesn't stop us from missing our daughter. 

So I was curious about what the teacher Dara Colt had been putting out online. Did I ever get a surprise? It appears there may be another relationship she possibly destroyed. It is rumored she destroyed a marriage, and cheats on her husband with some sort of distance relationship.

Dara Colt has an extremely strong online presence. Much stronger than mine, I pale in comparison. Oh my where do I start? She has lots of YouTube subscribers, lots of twitter followers, Patreon, a blog, Amazon Wishlist, extensive booklist on goodreads, does podcast, she must be superwoman. All I can say is wow!

Since Dara Colt has a very strong online presence, it is assumed she is getting paid and making money from that. She does ask that you support her on her twitter profile. She makes unboxing videos bragging about all the boxes of gifts she has received. Is she getting paid to push propaganda like so many other online influencers? 

Let's talk about Patreon or whatever it is called. It is a PAID online subscription service. She is asking for money to see her private videos. Some of the videos she is asking you to pay to see is profanity. Even on the video itself the pic says "Don't fuck with an English teacher" a bit shocking? What does she mean by that? Look out don't mess with me?  Yes, she wants you to pay her money to hear her ramble on about nonsense and speak profanity. I found this odd, is this what teachers do these days? 

What is even more odd is she filmed a video of herself talking about wrapping a Christmas gift for 5 minutes bragging about how she was wrapping it up, because it is something our daughter wanted and could not find. It is difficult to see another woman call your child her's. It's hard for us to watch her because we gag when we see her.

Looking  at  her twitter, on February 2, 2022 there was the tweet, her claiming she went to an aquarium and out to eat to celebrate adopting her daughter. HER DAUGHTER? She makes it sound like she adopted a child but the truth is she adopted an ADULT! Then the next day she tweeted she hadn't spoke much about it before because of the biofam was a problem. Yes she uses all those cool words like biofam. 

I am still trying to figure out how we are a problem. She made it so we could not make welfare checks on our daughter. She blocked us on all social media channels, she never responds to emails. We got 2 responses from her, the first not admitting our daughter was at her home, the second on twitter calling us a Russian boot licker. The twitter response was after the adoption, after her tweet. Maybe our existence is a problem? 

On June 28, 2022 she tweeted that she took our daughter to Ruby Falls and it was the first time our daughter had been there. I am still trying to figure out why she felt the need to lie about this. she could have simply said she took our daughter to Ruby Falls?  My family has photos that prove otherwise. Who knows what other lies she has told? Is this woman just a chronic liar? 

Then while I was jumping down rabbit holes I noticed she does YouTube videos with a popular youtuber. I was curious so I searched him. One popular rumor was that he blocks so many people who disagree with him, he has his own blocked by hashtag. Sure enough he blocked me as I had responded to a tweet of his and her's. And yes, I saw many other people blocked by him and the hashtag. 

What I found interesting was how a guy put out a YouTube video claiming Stanly Stompers (not his real name) is not moral and cheated on his wife. Stanley Stompers tries to give advice, or shall I say get paid to spread  propaganda? It is rumored this is how he makes his living. I decided to watch the video. And there it was Dara Colt. People were claiming they had some type of affair.

I decided to dig deeper into the rabbit hole, and yes this rumor was all over the place! I could not believe what I was seeing and reading. He divorced his wife, or at least he posted he got a divorce. So yes hit appears he got a divorce.

There were post by an unknown person about a man cheating on her that there is such an uncanny coincidence.  Everything seemed to match up. Unless of course there is another pair that fits their description. Then I found it again and again. It is even claimed that her husband Dean Colt knows about their relationship and doesn't care. Then again Dara Colt is very good at deceiving people. Do they have some type of open marriage? 

Then I discovered Dara Colt has had breast cancer twice. The last time over a decade ago. This made me wonder if she had ever had any miscarriages or pregnancy loss? Possibly an abortion that she later regretted? I wonder if the cancer or cancer treatment possibly left her infertile. That would be tough for any woman to go through.

Would my daughter be about the same age as any child she could have lost? I have been searching for answers as to why she would have done this, why she would have adopted our adult daughter. Fertility issues or not cancer or not, that doesn't give her a free pass to claim our daughter as her own. I find it hard to have sympathy for her. 

Why her family  would condone her actions? Why would her coworkers condone her actions? Why is this found acceptable? As long as it is legal it must be acceptable.  Maybe she hasn't been truthful.  It is devastating for us. We take it one day at a time. We just have to have faith and trust God. As you can see yes our daughter has been to Ruby Falls!



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