Is human trafficking legal? Would you be able to trust the government to help you as a parent of an adult child or would they turn a blind eye? Would you be able to get anyone to help you as a parent if someone was grooming your adult child? 

If your adult child joined a cult, most likely nothing would be done, unless the parent can prove something illegal is happening. It is up to the parent as the police usually just shrug their shoulders, and tell parents they're an adult. Everyone turns a blind eye while parents know better and refuse to accept this injustice.

As parents we reached out and we requested help. We believed the GA Department of Education had an obligation to take our complaint seriously, even the Running County Sherriff's Department, Running county superintendent, DeLaire High School principal someone was responsible to investigate. Our concerns were simply brushed aside, all they noticed was our daughter's age, and it appears they refused to notice anything else.

The government has the ability to obtain your cellphone records, electronic communication records. Interestingly enough I have no recollection of anyone requesting our cell phone records, our internet records or any records from us. Does Dean Colt have a background in computers? Would he had made a different carrier move if it were not for his wife? Would he have any idea of how to delete or cover up any electronic evidence? Our daughter cellphone was turned off and never back on on her way to their home.

Interestingly enough the principal and superintendent do not respond to our emails. Are they trying to cover up what happened? Is there some sort of corruption that I am not aware of? How could anyone not take notice that something is seriously wrong when an adult suddenly gets adopted by a former school teacher and her name changed? Where are the results from this investigation? How much investigating did the sheriff's department do? A simple criminal background check? People can't be this stupid can they?

People trust the government to protect our innocent children from grooming, from human trafficking. Human trafficking and grooming is not always done by snatching someone off the street. The perpetrators are more crafty than that, they lure vulnerable people with a promise of a better life, something better than what they have now, money, fame, fortune, love, something they lack, something they want.

Groomers are so good at convincing that people willingly do what they never thought themselves to do. The unsuspecting willing participant is then convinced to give groomers, traffickers what they want much like signing a deal with the devil. The new lifestyle becomes such a habit, the phrase new normal comes to mind, only it is not normal, it is just another way to say you have accepted this and were a willing participant, you did nothing to fight back.

Many vulnerable young adults are falling into these traps by groomers and traffickers. Parents find themselves helpless. These perpetrators are so crafty, they convince these young adults to say they want nothing to do with their parents. Some even take their ID and change it either through legal or illegal means. Anything to break that connection with parents who love children unconditionally and would do anything to protect them. 

Groomers usually communicate secretly, love to give advice and show understanding, similar to Dara Colt inviting our only daughter to live in her home. They will isolate the person from their loved ones such as parents, people who love and protect them. The victim becomes reluctant to speak to friends and family. The victims lacks the ability to fight back.

 A groomer will want to control the relationship, they gain their trust in order to control the person's life. Groomers use flattery, they are smooth talkers they use their status and popularity to cover their tracks. After all, no one would suspect a popular teacher like Dara Colt. Groomers use a person's insecurities and vulnerability to manipulate them. A victim becomes confused, and is not able to think clearly. 

Human trafficking is more sinister than just mere grooming, people, mostly females are forced into sex, forced marriage, forced adoption, forced  labor,  organs removed, people are smuggled or moved to different locations hidden from family, enslaved. Those grooming and human trafficking both lure and control. 

Moving someone  to a different location hidden from family is much like how we had no idea where our daughter was for a couple weeks when she went missing. Dara Colt hid our daughter from us using the crafty excuse groomers  and human traffickers use, that she is an adult. All we had was a note that appeared to be coached, like someone told our daughter exactly what to say. Oh and the woman on the other end of the line said she was an adult and she had a copy of the note. Still no one gave this a second thought other than us.

People are controlled, they are unable to communicate freely with the outside world without it being noticed by human traffickers. Is my daughter free to see us and communicate with us?  We drove 4 hours to see her, you would think she would have come outside to tell us to get lost or something? Why didn't our daughter come outside? She works at the same place Dean Colt works, so he has the ability to keep a close eye on her all day. Is she on their cellphone plan? 

Would Dara and Dean Colt convince our daughter that we don't love her that we don't want her in our lives? Would they tell her that we are mean angry people who would not forgive her for breaking our hearts? What control do they have over our daughter? We love our daughter unconditionally this will always be.

Human traffickers often change identifying documents through illegal or legal means. My daughter's original birth certificate is now sealed. Dara Colt claimed to have adopted a daughter, my daughter's name changed. Why adopt an adult? Are they wealthy and have secret cash to leave once they die and choose my daughter? Or was this a way to control our daughter? 

What does a middle aged couple want with a young woman?  Adopting an adult for your daughter takes careful planning. Why did they not adopt a baby or a child?  Instead, they adopted our only daughter and blocked us on social media for simply saying we love our daughter. Surely they would not want friends and family knowing this young woman actually has a family that was destroyed by their actions? Our family is no longer whole and they are responsible. 

There are too many similarities to grooming and human trafficking to be ignored. I am sure I could find other similarities but these few are plenty.  The government with their resources did absolutely NOTHING and turned a blind eye. As professionals, I believe law enforcement should have noticed these similarities and taken action.  While they keep turning a blind eye, what else is this middle aged couple capable of? Is there some sort of cover up or corruption that I am not aware of in Running County Georgia? 


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